Congressman Sires’ Statement Condemning President Trump’s Disparaging Comments Against Immigrant Communities

Congressman Sires Statement Condemning President Trump’s Disparaging Comments Against Immigrant Communities

Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Sires issued the following statement on President Trump’s referral to Haiti, El Salvador, and countries in Africa as ‘shithole’ countries:

“Trump’s vulgar language is just another example of his disregard for hardworking Americans that come from all walks of life. I came to this country from Cuba as a young child and saw every day how hard my parents worked to make sure I had the opportunity for a better life. That is the same hard work I see time and again from people in my district, dedicating themselves to bettering their communities and making our country a better place for future generations.

It unfortunately comes as no surprise that the President has no respect for the immigrant communities and views himself as superior to people that don’t look, talk, and act like him. Making racist comments against people who have been living in America for centuries and have worked tirelessly to lift our great nation up is disgraceful. Diversity is one of America’s greatest strengths and sadly our President seems unable to grasp what really does make America great.

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