Congressman Sires’ Statement on the Indictment of 12 Russian Intelligence Agents

Congressman Sires’ Statement on the Indictment of 12 Russian Intelligence Agents

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Congressman Sires released the following statement regarding Justice Department’s indictment of 12 Russian intelligence agents as part of the ongoinginvestigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 Presidential election:


“This new indictment of Russian agents for their attempts to undermine American democracy further reinforces why President Trump should not meet with Putin next week. It has been concluded beyond a reasonable doubt by our intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 Presidential election, and for the President to sit down with the man responsible for these attacks on our democracy is irresponsible and foolish. This blatant attempt at undermining our elections calls for a unified, bipartisan response to protect our country from those who seek to hurt us.”


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