Congressman Sires’ Statement on Maduro's Move to Destroy Democracy in Venezuela
Congressman Sires’ Statement on Maduro's Move to Destroy Democracy in Venezuela
(Washington, D.C.)- Congressman Albio Sires issued the following statement regarding Venezuela’s constituent assembly vote:
"Maduro continues his quest to complete the 'Cubanization' of Venezuela and destroy all remaining democratic institutions. His sham constituent assembly was nothing more than a desperate move to shut out pro-democracy leaders who are fighting for the Venezuelan people. The Venezuelan people have shown tremendous courage and commitment to fighting for their country and I stand with them in their efforts to maintain strong democratic principles.
I commend our partners in Mexico, Canada, Argentina, Peru, Panama, Brazil, and Colombia in calling out this fraudulent vote for what it is- a total farce. I implore our other allies in the region to be on the right side of history during this historic time and stand with the Venezuelan people who are asking for nothing more than their human and constitutional rights."