Congressman Sires’ Statement on CBO Score of Republican Healthcare Bill

Congressman Sires’ Statement on CBO Score of Republican Healthcare Bill


(Washington, D.C.)- Congressman Sires released the following statement on the analysis of the Republican healthcare bill issued by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO):


“Today, the Congressional Budget Office confirmed that the Republican plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is a disaster for the American people.  As anticipated, the Congressional Budget Office reports that the Republican plan will result in reduced coverage for millions of American families.  Specifically, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that 14 million people will lose their health insurance by 2018 and 24 million people by 2026 under the Republican proposal. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office reports that in 2018-2019 single policyholders would see their average premiums be 15 percent to 20 percent higher than under current law.


Republican Leadership are now attempting to discredit the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, but the truth is Congress has always relied on Congressional Budget Office for nonbiased analysis on the impact of specific legislative proposals.  Republican leadership must get serious about the repercussions of taking away healthcare from millions of Americans because this is in fact a life or death decision for many individuals across the nation.”



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