Congressman Sires’ Statement on the President’s III-Advised and Misguided Budget Proposal

Congressman Sires’ Statement on the President’s III-Advised and Misguided Budget Proposal  

(WashingtonD.C.)  Today, Congressman Sires issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s proposed FY 2018 budget:

President Trump’s ‘America First’ budget is an affront to the middle class and working Americans and begs the question: which Americans does this budget prioritize? The truth is that President Trump’s budget forces low-income and middle class Americans to pay for his unnecessary wall across the Southern Border. 

Communities across the country, like those in my district will bear the burden of President Trump’s misguided budget. Our seniors, teachers, and working poor will have less support during times they need it most. Cities and towns will have fewer opportunities to fund infrastructure projects and our first responders will lose critical resources to protect our residents from natural disasters and terrorist attacks. It is clear that the President’s budget puts Trump’s America first while forcing everyday Americans to foot the bill.

I will work with my colleagues in Congress to defend the federal programs that are critical to New Jersey and ensure that the President’s draconian budget proposal does not become law.”

Follow Congressman Sires on Twitter (@RepSires) and Facebook ( for further information on the President’s budget cuts.

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