Congressman Sires’ Statement on President Trump’s Reaction to the Whistleblower Complaint

Congressman Sires’ Statement on President Trump’s Reaction to the Whistleblower Complaint


(Washington, DC) – Today, Congressman Albio Sires (D-NJ) released the following statement after President Trump threatened the individual who filed the complaint that was released this week:

“After reviewing the whistleblower complaint, I believe that the contents are credible and alarming. What is even more alarming are the President’s not-so-veiled threats to those who report abuses of power. The whistleblower was doing his duty by reporting the information contained in the complaint, through the proper legal channels. President Trump lashed out in an attempt to discredit the whistleblower and threaten those who might consider filing complaints in the future. Some of my colleagues have tried to dismiss his comments but I spent my childhood in Cuba where I saw firsthand what it looks like when a leader attempts to strongarm his critics into silence. I condemn President Trump’s threats and his attempts to hide his own wrongdoing by pointing the finger at those who were simply trying to do their duty. Regardless of party politics, everyone who cares about the foundations of our republic should be alarmed by the President’s reaction to this week’s events.”


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