Congressman Sires’ Statement on Protests in Venezuela
Congressman Sires’ Statement on Protests in Venezuela
(Washington, D.C.) –Congressman Sires, member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, released the following statement regarding the ongoing protests in Venezuela:
“Today marks the 61st anniversary of the Venezuelan people standing together and ousting an oppressive dictatorship. Now, we see the next generation of Venezuelans rising up and fighting for their human rights and their freedoms. It is clear the socialist experiment in Venezuela has failed, leading Maduro and his cronies to think only of themselves and their bank accounts. The Venezuelan people have suffered enough; forced to flee their homes, suffering from starvation, and unable to find basic goods or medicines. I stand in solidarity with the Venezuelan people as they push for a return to democracy and accountability for Maduro and his regime’s years of abuses. It is long past time for Venezuela to put this dark chapter behind them and begin the process of rebuilding their country.”