Congressman Sires’ Statement on the Trump Administration’s Intervention in Roger Stone Case

Congressman Sires’ Statement on the Trump Administration’s Intervention in Roger Stone Case
(Washington D.C.) – Today, Congressman Albio Sires (D-NJ) released the following statement regarding the Trump Administration’s actions in the ongoing court proceedings involving the President’s confidant, Roger Stone:
“The President’s recent actions, as well as those of Attorney General William Barr, threaten to corrupt our court system and endanger the rule of law. Even though the President claims he did not communicate with the Attorney General or the Department of Justice, his twitter tirades against judges, prosecutors, and juries are thinly veiled attempts to influence what is supposed to be an independent judiciary. By intervening in Roger Stone’s case and overruling the sentencing recommendations that came from Department of Justice, Attorney General Barr has clearly demonstrated, once again, that he will not stand up to the President to protect our institutions. This Administration does not want an independent judiciary, they want a sleazy alternative that holds the President and his colleagues above the rule of law.”