Congressman Sires’ Statement on Trump’s Misguided Military Transgender Ban
Congressman Sires’ Statement on Trump’s Misguided Military Transgender Ban
(Washington, D.C.) – Congressman Sires issued the following statement regarding President Trump’s announcement banning transgender men and women from military service:
"Once again, President Trump has used divisive and prejudiced rhetoric to codify discrimination against individuals, this timebased on their sexual orientation and gender identity. Thousands of patriotic transgender men and women are already members of our military and the President’s announcement that these Americans will no longer be allowed to serve their country is an affront to the courageous men and women who risk their lives to protect our freedom and our values. This decision goes against a bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives to stand up to discrimination against transgender service members. The President’s directive is a step backward, endangering our national security and undermining the values our society is built on. I will continue to stand against prejudice and fight for the brave men and women who sacrifice so much to protect our country.”