Congressman Sires’ Statement on Vote to Repeal the Affordable Care Act



(Washington, D.C.) – Congressman Sires issued the following statement regarding House Republicans’ attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act:

“Once again, House Republicans’ have introduced misguided and unpopular legislation that would repeal the Affordable Care Act and leave middle class and low-income families without access to affordable health care.  This plan strips away the most popular protections under the Affordable Care Act, defunds Planned Parenthood, destroys Medicaid, and harms those who need coverage the most.  This legislation would leave those in need of health care without access to affordable coverage by allowing states to charge higher premiums for pre-existing conditions; opt of out providing coverage for essential health benefits like maternity care, hospital visits, and mental health services; and potentially charge seniors significantly higher premiums.

House Republicans have pushed this misguided plan through without an updated Congressional Budget Office score which, once again, appears to be a deliberate attempt to hide the costs of the repeal. I voted against this misguided legislation because I am staunchly opposed to irresponsible efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and I will continue to fight for access to quality, affordable health care coverage for the American people.”



Contact: Erica Daughtrey



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