Congressman Tom MacArthur Named the International Franchise Association’s Legislator of the Year

Congressman Tom MacArthur Named the International Franchise Association’s Legislator of the Year


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Congressman Tom MacArthur was selected as the Republican recipient of the International Franchise Association (IFA)’s Legislator of the Year award. This bipartisan award is given to a Republican and Democrat who support a pro-franchising, pro-business agenda and work across party lines to support franchise and small businesses.

“I thank the International Franchise Association for selecting me as this year’s Legislator of the Year award recipient,” Congressman MacArthur said. “New Jersey small businesses, including our many franchises, play a vital role in our local community and economy. As someone who spent my professional career growing a business, I know that government actions can either help or hurt entrepreneurs and small business owners. I’ll continue to cut through Washington dysfunction and support our local business community and those who depend on it.”

“Rep. MacArthur’s willingness to work constructively with his colleagues to find solutions lives up to the highest ideals of Congress. Locally-owned small businesses across the country benefit from his leadership, insights, and thoughtfulness,” said IFA President and CEO Robert Cresanti.

“MacArthur’s firsthand knowledge of the risks and rewards associated with small business ownership are evident when he speaks about joint employer,” read a statement from IFA. “In fact, he is one of the most eloquent Members of Congress on joint employer and uses his communication skills to highlight the impact of regulatory uncertainty on business in his district, which stretches across central New Jersey from the Delaware River to the shore.”



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