Congressman Van Drew Supports H.R. 6201, Additional Funding to Fight Coronavirus Pandemic

Trump Van Drew

Congressman Van Drew Supports H.R. 6201, Additional Funding to Fight Coronavirus Pandemic

WASHINGTON—Tonight, Congressman Van Drew voted to support an additional $8.3 billion funding supplemental bill to help prepare America for the Coronavirus pandemic. The bill includes:

  • Free Coronavirus testing for every individuals deemed medically necessary.
  • Paid emergency leave with two weeks of paid sick leave, and up to three months of paid family and medical leave.
  • Increased Medicaid spending to support state, local, tribal and territorial governments to fight the virus.
  • Ensuring the stability of nutritional assistance for SNAP recipients, students, seniors and food banks.

In addition to the legislation, the Trump administration declared a national emergency and announced that testing kits and respiratory masks would be made available. The steps it will be taking include:

  • $50 billion for states, territories and localities to fight the disease.
  • Drive-up testing for Coronavirus.
  • Funding for development of rapid tests to detect Coronavirus
  • Ability for the Department of Health and Human Services to give doctors, hospitals and health care providers the ability to provide tele-health to places in need.

“Finally, we have done what America expected of us. This legislation is a step towards making sure we are as prepared as a nation for this epidemic as we can be,” said Congressman Van Drew. “While this is just the beginning of our response, we must remain vigilant and focused on defeating this virus. I will do everything in my power to ensure that happens.”

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