Congressman Van Drew: “It’s Time to Hold China Accountable for Their Actions”

Congressman Van Drew: “It’s Time to Hold China Accountable for Their Actions”
Washington- Congressman Jeff Van Drew is calling out China’s government for their role in the death, destruction and dereliction of human decency in their behavior over the handling of the Coronavirus outbreak.
“Every American of every background and creed should be furious with China for their disregard of human well-being amidst the Coronavirus cover-up they have participated in. Had we known sooner, or had the Chinese government been honest, we would not be in the position we are today,” said Congressman Van Drew. “We have relied on China for far too long to provide cheap labor and goods at the expense of America and our workers. We must bring that supply-chain home and end the export gap we have; It’s time to hold China accountable for their actions.”
Background: Congressman Van Drew will be cosponsoring the following bills during the next pro-forma session of Congress:
1. HR 6482(Rep. Gallagher-WI) Protecting Our Pharmaceutical Supply Chain from China Act of 2020
a. To require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to maintain a list of the country of origin of all drugs marketed in the United States, to ban the use of Federal funds for the purchase of drugs manufactured in China, and for other purposes.
2. H.Con Res. 97 (Rep. Barr-KY) Establishing the Joint Select Committee on the Events and Activities Surrounding China's Handling of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus.
a. This concurrent resolution establishes the Joint Select Committee on the Events and Activities Surrounding China's Handling of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus to investigate and report to Congress and the executive branch, including recommendations on
i. the origins and causes of the coronavirus (i.e., the virus that causes COVID-19);
ii. certain coronavirus-related policies, decisions, and activities by the government of China;
iii. accountability for policies, decisions, and activities related to influencing the World Health Organization's response to the coronavirus outbreak;
iv. vulnerabilities in the U.S. domestic and global supply chain to combat a global pandemic due to reliance on Chinese manufacturing;
v. information related to lessons learned from China's handling of the coronavirus; and
vi. actions the federal government should take in response to China's handling of the coronavirus.
3. HR 6444 (Rep. Gooden-TX) Stop COVID Act of 2020
a. Stop China-Originated Viral Infectious Diseases Act of 2020 or the Stop COVID Act of 2020.
i. This bill limits the immunity of foreign states from suit in the United States.
ii. Specifically, it bars immunity for a foreign state in cases where the foreign state, whether intentionally or unintentionally, discharges a biological weapon in the United States or that results in the bodily injury of a U.S. citizen.