Congressman Van Drew Votes NO on Funding a Federal Vaccine Database
December 2, 2021, 1:56 pm | in
Congressman Van Drew Votes NO on Funding a Federal Vaccine Database
Washington, DC - This week, Congressman Van Drew voted NO on H.R.550, the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act. This bill would provide $400 million in taxpayer dollars to fund a computer database that would track and record when vaccine doses have been administered to individuals.
"This bill is another attempt by House Democrats to extend their government overreach by tracking unvaccinated individuals and recording personal health decisions made by the American people," said Congressman Van Drew. "There is no reason that $400 million in taxpayer dollars should be used to fund a program that creates a database to store citizens private medical information regarding vaccination status. This majority in Congress is doing everything in their power to seize control of Americans and exert federal control in every aspect of our daily lives. We see time and time again Democrats wasting taxpayer dollars on legislation like this; instead, they should be focused on issues affecting every American, like soaring gas prices, rapid inflation, the supply chain crisis, and the labor shortage. As legislators, we should be ensuring Americans are able to put food on the table and that shelves are stocked for the holidays, not spending more money to create an unnecessary and useless program."