Connors, Rumpf & Gove to Murphy: Veto Proposed Toll Increases

Connors, Rumpf & Gove to Murphy: Veto Proposed Toll Increases
Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove have called on Governor Phil Murphy to veto the minutes of any meetings held by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) and the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) which approve toll increases on the Garden State Parkway, the New Jersey Turnpike, and/or the Atlantic City Expressway.
In their letter to Governor Murphy on May 27, the 9th District delegation made the following statements:
“In view of the unprecedented economic uncertainty for commuters and businesses, our Delegation is urging you in the strongest terms possible to veto the minutes of any meeting held by the New Jersey Turnpike Authority (NJTA) and/or South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) which approve toll increases on the Garden State Parkway and the New Jersey Turnpike as well as the Atlantic City Expressway.
“Please be advised that in March our Delegation wrote to Department of Transportation Commissioner Gutierrez- Scaccetti, NJTA Executive Director Keller and SJTA Authority Executive Stephen Dougherty calling on the officials to refrain from imposing the toll increases in view of the economic and financial hardships that would ensue for commuters and businesses. Further, we emphasized that the toll increases will have a chilling effect and likely exacerbate an already precarious economic situation created by COVID-19.
“Equally infuriating has been the timing of the hearings held by the respective Authorities. Most residents are understandably largely focused on matters related to COVID-19, particularity social restrictions and economic impacts. Holding the hearings was a disservice to the public who, understandably, a large segment of who would not have been aware that the hearings were being held let alone that proposed toll increases were the topic of discussion. State residents have every right to question the state’s decision to hold hearings given the unprecedented circumstances.
“Considering all these extreme factors, we are urging you in the strongest terms, as Governor, to veto the minutes of any meeting held by the NJTA and/or SJTA which approve toll increases on the Garden State Parkway, New Jersey Turnpike and Atlantic City Expressway. Trenton should be focused on alleviating financial hardships, not increasing the cost of living and doing business in this profoundly difficult time for our state and nation.”
Previous correspondence with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Commissioner Dianne Gutierrez-Scaccetti, NJTA Executive Director John M. Keller, and SJTA Executive Director can be found here:
- March 18 Letter: Opposition to Proposed Toll Hikes
- March 31 Letter: Opposition to Proposed SJTA Toll Hikes, Atlantic City Expressway