Connors, Rumpf & Gove Start Online Petition Opposing Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Connors, Rumpf & Gove Start Online Petition Opposing Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens

Senator Christopher J. Connors, Assemblyman Brian E. Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne C. Gove have started an online petition in opposition to providing driver’s licenses to illegal aliens in New Jersey.
Concerned citizens can sign the petition online by visiting:

The petition was launched to counter the passage of pending legislation (S-3229/A-4743) that would allow the State to issue driver’s licenses to persons who are “unable to prove lawful presence in the United States.” The legislation is part of Governor Phil Murphy’s effort to turn New Jersey into a sanctuary state.

The 9th District legislators issued the following statement:

“Along with the benefits that New Jersey already has in place for illegal aliens, including free in-state college tuition, allowing them to obtain driver’s licenses will firmly establish New Jersey as a sanctuary state. It’s not surprising in the least that this proposal has drawn outrage from across our legislative district.

“Our new online petition will give New Jersey residents a stronger voice on this issue while demonstrating to Trenton the level of intense opposition to rewarding persons who are in our country illegally at the expense of taxpaying citizens.

“Think of how absurd the state’s immigration policies are right now. Residents’ federal tax dollars are being used to fund ICE to crack down on illegal immigration while at the same time their state tax dollars are being used to pay the legal costs of illegal aliens facing deportation.

“This is to say nothing of the glaring hypocrisy by Trenton when it comes to enforcing the law. When it comes to homeowners and businesses, the overregulating State bureaucracy rigidly enforces all laws, codes, regulations and permits but yet not only ignores, but rewards, illegal aliens for breaking the law with taxpayer-funded entitlements.

“Many seniors went through hell getting their driver’s licenses renewed when the state instituted the 6-Point ID system. Service at the MVC has vastly improved since. However, all that progress stands to be erased by the likely chaotic process, including long wait times, that is likely to ensue once illegal aliens start showing up at MVC facilities for driver’s licenses all at once.

“How lenient will the documentation requirements for illegals be? What additional resources will be needed by the MVC to process persons without official documentation and at what cost to taxpayers? Will applicants with criminal records be reported to ICE? Will state policy require MVC staff to have a driver’s license in one hand and voter registration form in the other?

“These are all serious concerns that residents should be strongly considering as the debate on this controversial issue intensifies.”


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