Conservative Republican Bob Patterson to Switcheroo Van Drew: Bring It On

Conservative Republican Bob Patterson to Switcheroo Van Drew: Bring It On
For Immediate Release – Dec. 19, 2019

Ocean City, NJ – Conservative Republican Bob Patterson has a message for Switcheroo Jeff Van Drew, who made his party switch official today: Bring it on.

Bob Patterson is a South Jersey native, a lifelong Republican who served in the Trump and George W. Bush administrations, and a conservative who has been fighting against the swamp for a pro-life, anti-amnesty and pro-American worker agenda his entire adult life.

In contrast, Switcheroo Van Drew is a lifelong liberal Democrat who spent years in cahoots with the George Norcross machine wiping out South Jersey Republican legislators. Van Drew is pro-choicepro-amnesty, and anti-Trump. In fact, The Daily Beast recently reported: “Rep. Jeff Van Drew was almost ‘obsessively anti-Trump’ before he considered joining his party.”

“As a lifelong conservative Republican, I have a message for liberal Switcheroo Van Drew: Bring it on,” said Bob Patterson. “Let’s get one thing straight: South Jersey Republicans will not nominate a pro-choice, pro-amnesty, pro-Norcross, anti-Trump candidate, no matter what letter Van Drew has after his name. South Jersey citizens deserves a congressman who will fight for them and their conservative values – not a liberal opportunist who fights for himself.”

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