Consumer, Environmental, Business, and Industrial Groups Launch Coalition to Oppose Ratepayer Funded Subsidies for Nuclear Power Plants
Consumer, Environmental, Business, and Industrial Groups Launch Coalition to Oppose Ratepayer Funded Subsidies for Nuclear Power Plants
(Trenton) – AARP, Environment New Jersey, Chemistry Council of New Jersey, New Jersey Large Energy Users Coalition, New Jersey Main Street Alliance, New Jersey Petroleum Council, New Jersey - Gasoline, Convenience, Automotive Association, and other companies will hold a tele-press conference to formally announce the formation of Coalition Against Nuclear Taxes or NJCANT.
The press tele-conference will take place on Wednesday, August 2 at 10:30AM. The call-in information is as follows: 1-866-215-3402, PIN: 4523902
Speakers Include:
Ev Liebman, AARP
Steve Goldenberg, NJ Large Energy Users Coalition
Doug O’Malley, Environment New Jersey
Dennis Hart, Chemistry Council of New Jersey
Tony Sandkamp of Sandkamp, Woodworks LLC, New Jersey Main Street Alliance
The coalition does not oppose nuclear energy generation, nor does it oppose fuel diversity. CANT is opposed to any special ratepayer subsidy for nuclear power plants.