Corrado Legislation that Would Make Roads and Public Transit Safer for People with Disabilities Clears Transportation Committee

Corrado Legislation that Would Make Roads and Public Transit Safer for People with Disabilities Clears Transportation Committee

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities may soon be able to enjoy safer, more mobility friendly streets thanks to legislation sponsored by Senator Kristin M. Corrado and approved today by the Senate Transportation Committee.

“These new requirements for our transportation agencies have the potential to change the lives of people with disabilities who have difficulty navigating our current public road and transit infrastructure,” said Corrado (R-40). “My legislation will make sure that anytime new public infrastructure projects are proposed, or modifications to existing ones are considered, we will put the mobility needs of disabled New Jerseyans front and center. All New Jersey residents, especially those with disabilities, should feel safe and confident when using the roads and public transit systems in this state.”

Under Corrado’s legislation, S-146, all contracts approved by the New Jersey Transportation Research Bureau must consider the mobility needs of individuals with physical, sensory, intellectual, and developmental disabilities.

The companion bill, S-147, requires the New Jersey Department of Transportation to implement a complete streets policy that improves the safety and mobility options for all New Jersey residents, with a particular focus on individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities.

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