Council President Calls on O'Donnell to Stop Ducking Mosque Issue
Council President Calls on O'Donnell to Stop Ducking Mosque Issue
Who's Running for Mayor, Jason O'Donnell or Donald Duck?
BAYONNE, NJ -- Council President Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski is calling on mayoral candidate Jason O'Donnell to state his position on the city's recent settlement with the Bayonne Muslims. The settlement agreement will prevent taxpayers from being liable for upwards of $10 million in potential damages and complies with the principles of religious freedom enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. O'Donnell told Hudson County View's John Heinis that he "didn't follow" the issue in a recent interview, despite the fact that the application has been one of the most discussed policy items in the city in recent years. O'Donnell's running mate Kevin Kuhl has been a vocal opponent of the building of the mosque, and the O'Donnell campaign is attempting to disingenuously play both sides of the issue.
"Either Jason O'Donnell is a coward who is afraid to take a position on a difficult topic, or he is truly unqualified to be Mayor if he really 'hasn't followed' this issue as he said," said Council President Ashe-Nadrowski. "Bayonne voters deserve to know where Jason O'Donnell stands. Does he support the Davis administration's settlement that saves taxpayers millions of dollars and permits members of our community a place to pray, or does he think the city should have kept fighting a hopeless and unnecessary court battle? He can't have it both ways, and if O'Donnell keeps Ducking this issue he might as well change his name to Donald."