Councilman DeFusco: Halloween Weekend Reiterates Need for Pub Crawl Oversight
Councilman DeFusco: Halloween Weekend Reiterates Need for Pub Crawl Oversight
HOBOKEN, N.J. — After a series of rowdy pub crawls in Hoboken earlier this year, Councilman Mike DeFusco proposed common sense legislation that would establish a better system to manage these events and protect taxpayers from footing the bill for cleanup and enforcement. The Mayor, alarmingly, prevented these regulations from being put into place and private promoters are continuing to drain public resources at the expense of local residents.
Because of inaction by the administration, a Halloween bar crawl was hosted in Hoboken this past weekend, resulting in the police department issuing 102 summonses, 8 arrests and 15 people needing medical attention.
“When rowdy pub crawls are allowed in Hoboken without any regulation, we’re putting the financial benefits of local bars and club promoters over the quality of life of our residents,” said Councilman Mike DeFusco. “As I’ve long said, if the administration is going to allow pub crawls in Hoboken, taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for enforcement and clean up. We are now one week away from an election and it’s concerning the Mayor’s handpicked First Ward Council candidate is continuing to use city resources to offer favors to these very same problem bars in return for hanging campaign signs. The First Ward deserves better than this and now is the time for the Mayor to work collaboratively with me to put legislation in place that will address the growing concerns our neighbors face when these pub crawls come to town.”