Pledges to continue fighting for Ocean Township residents, against Trenton special interests
Township of Ocean, NJ - Today, Ocean Township Councilman Rob Acerra announced his
campaign for re-election to the Ocean Township Council. The non-partisan election will take
place on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019.

Councilman Acerra is a strong independent voice for the Township of Ocean, and over the past
four years, has fought against higher taxes and for more openness and transparency in our local
government. He voted against tax increases, helped to stabilize the Township budget and worked
to create rehabilitation zones for businesses to thrive. Acerra was also a leading voice for having
Council and Board meetings televised; publishing agenda and minutes on the Township website
and providing residents with quarterly newsletters.

“For four years, fighting for Ocean Township residents has been my top priority, and if reelected
on May 14th, it will continue to be. With all the burdensome taxes and regulations
coming from the politicians in Trenton, Ocean Township must continue fighting to keep local
taxes stable and bring down the cost of doing business. It’s imperative we fight to make Ocean
more affordable for our seniors and families.”

During his time on the Council, Acerra has supported improvements to the Township pool,
added bike lanes throughout town and he continues to demand more funding for road
improvements. Through shared services, Rob Acerra was the key advocate to protect your
children with cameras on school buses and enhanced security in our schools.

Additionally, Acerra has served our community for 25 years by founding Ocean Township
Youth Baseball, volunteering for the PTA, Boy Scouts of America, and serving as Chairperson
on the Board of Education, in addition to serving as Councilman and Deputy Mayor.

“I have tried to follow in the footsteps of our former Mayor Joe Palaia, who dedicated his life to
this great town. Unfortunately, we are now seeing the Trenton politicians and special interests
creep into our local government, which is supposed to be “non-partisan,” said Acerra. “I don’t
owe the Trenton politicians anything, and I will be the independent voice to represent our home
town interests. These same Trenton politicians who caused major tax hikes by cutting aid to our
schools now want to control Ocean Township government. Not on my watch. For all those who
love and call Ocean Township home and want to see it protected for future generations, I humbly
ask for your vote on Tuesday, May 14th."


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