Councilwoman Candice Osborne Endorses Rebecca Symes for Ward E Council
Councilwoman Candice Osborne Endorses Rebecca Symes for Ward E Council
JERSEY CITY, N.J. -- Ward E Councilwoman Candice Osborne has endorsed Rebecca Symes to succeed her on the City Council representing Downtown Jersey City. Councilwoman Osborne cited Rebecca's experience in government and in the private sector advocating for progressive causes and her vision for making Jersey City a national model of government innovation in making the endorsement.
"To replace me on the city council I want someone who will work hard, who will be pragmatic and who understands downtown Jersey City," said Councilwoman Osborne in an email sent today to supporters. "While I am certain many of the candidates possessed two of the three characteristics that most mattered to me in this election, I feel that only one person successfully demonstrated all three of them to me – Rebecca Symes. I give my endorsement for Ward E City Council to Rebecca Symes."
Candice Osborne won an overwhelming victory in the Ward E race in 2013, becoming the only Ward Council candidate to win on the first ballot and avoid a runoff. During her time on the Council, Osborne has sponsored more pieces of legislation that were signed into law than any other council member and she has been a strong advocate for responsible development, pedestrian safety and utilizing technology to improve city government. She announced earlier this year that she would not seek reelection.
"It is such an honor to be endorsed by someone like Candice Osborne who has been a devoted public servant and an excellent representative for Downtown Jersey City," said Symes. "Whoever succeeds Candice has tremendous shoes to fill, because she has always brought so much to the table as an elected official. I am proud that she has recognized that I am the right choice to continue her legacy and so excited to have her support as we move closer to election day."
About Rebecca Symes
Rebecca Symes has been deeply involved in community organizations and causes as a past President of the Harsimus Cove Neighborhood Association, Trustee at the Jersey City Free Public Library, Board Secretary at The Waterfront Project, a free legal clinic, Advisory Trustee at Liberty Science Center and a New Leaders Council Fellow. She holds a Juris Doctorate Degree from the Catholic University of America and a Bachelor's Degree from Ithaca College. After law school, she worked at Housing Conservation Coordinators, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting affordable housing, served as Counsel & Director of Constituent Affairs to U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and later served as General Counsel to Dixon Advisory USA. Symes resigned from her private sector position to devote her full attention to representing Jersey City’s Ward E residents.
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For any additional information please contact Philip Swibinski at 201-978-8651 or
Contact: Philip Swibinski