Councilwoman Jenny Mundell Announces Campaign for Mayor in Special Primary Election

Councilwoman Jenny Mundell Announces Campaign for Mayor in Special Primary Election
Assemblyman and Former Mayor Michael Venezia Endorses Mundell
BLOOMFIELD, NJ – Councilwoman Jenny Mundell is announcing that she will run for Mayor of Bloomfield in the Special Primary Election to be held in June. If elected Mundell will become the first woman to serve as Mayor of Bloomfield. Assemblyman Michael Venezia, who recently stepped down after serving as Mayor for the last ten years, is endorsing Councilwoman Mundell and urging local Democrats to rally behind her candidacy.
“Bloomfield has made tremendous progress in the last ten years, but we need experienced leadership with a comprehensive vision for our community’s future in order to keep moving forward,” said Councilwoman Mundell. “I’m running for Mayor because I love this community and want to see it continue to thrive, and I know that together we can keep delivering the progress that our residents deserve.”
Councilwoman Mundell won an overwhelming majority of votes from elected members of the Bloomfield Democratic Committee last week as it met to consider nominations for the township’s open seat for Mayor. However, rather than abiding by the will of the Democratic committee a majority of Township Council members appointed Councilman Ted Gamble as temporary mayor in a blatant power grab. Now, Councilwoman Mundell will run for the seat and work to build on the strong support she has already garnered from Bloomfield Democrats who believe in her ability to lead the community forward.
“It’s incredibly disappointing to see members of the Council disregard the vote of the Bloomfield Democratic Committee and block Jenny Mundell from becoming our first woman mayor, but we will not allow this power grab to stand and will go directly to the people of our community by winning this primary election,” said Assemblyman Venezia. “Jenny is the exact kind of leader our community needs and deserves and I’m 100% supportive of her campaign.”
First appointed to the Township Council in 2017, Jenny Mundell has since won re-election three times and has worked tirelessly to serve the community. She has lived in Bloomfield for nearly 15 years along with her husband and son, and she works as a Vice President of Development at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. As Mayor, Jenny will work to continue the progress that has been made in the community while focusing on open, transparent government, balanced and responsible economic development, public safety and community involvement.