Councilwoman McIver presents a Women’s Brunch — Our Seat at the Table

Councilwoman McIver presents a Women’s Brunch — Our Seat at the Table


Newark, NJ— March 18, 2022 — Saturday, March 19th 2022 beginning at 11am, Central Ward Councilwoman LaMonica McIver is having a Women’s Brunch at Nico’s Kitchen and Bar (located at the Performing Arts Center, NJPAC, One Center Street, Newark NJ). The event is twofold to not only honor Women’s History Month but to support the reelection of Councilwoman McIver, who is running for her 2nd term.


Although this is an event to celebrate Women’s History Month, all are invited to attend. Special Guest Speaker will be Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver. “ I am so proud to have Lt Governor Oliver serving as a guest speaker. As a local girl born and raised in Newark. She is the embodiment of strong women today. Her entire career has been devoted to fighting for the voiceless and serving in the capacity  of public service, advocating for social justice, women’s equality, and education. She is the first woman of color to serve in a statewide elected office in New Jersey history. What a wonderful role model ” said McIver “and a great way to celebrate Women’s history Month here in Newark and highlight-our seat at the table”


Tickets are available at



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