Councilwoman Schirmer's Statement on Yaede’s Desperate attack

Councilwoman Schirmer's Statement on Yaede’s Desperate attack
I guess there are always new lows the Yaede campaign can reach and here we have another one. It is despicable and disgusting that she would attack Councilman Martin’s service to our country.
Unlike Yaede’s own criminal defense attorney, Robin Lord, who receives significant payments for defending those who need defending, once said "These boys are victims of their own hormones," in defense of one of her clients who was arrested for rape, Councilman Martin, was not receiving significant payments; he was serving in our military, doing the job he was assigned to do.
The mailer by Yaede is the ultimate display of desperation of her failing mayoral campaign.
If she would only put this kind of energy into actually doing her job in the last 4 years, she would not need to run these desperate type of ads.
But given her abysmal record of failed leadership and continuing lying to the public, why should we expect anything else?