Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher Seeks Advisory Opinion from ELEC on Campaign Fundraising Practices and Contribution Limits

Hoboken Councilwoman Tiffany Fisher

Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher Seeks Advisory Opinion from ELEC on Campaign Fundraising Practices and Contribution Limits

HOBOKEN, NJ – Hoboken City Councilwoman and mayoral candidate Tiffanie Fisher has formally requested an advisory opinion from the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) to determine whether certain campaign fundraising practices comply with state election laws.

Fisher said she believes the law is clear: candidates should not be able to sidestep contribution limits by maintaining multiple committees for different elections and using funds raised under both for a single campaign. However, recent campaign finance activity has raised questions about whether current rules allow this practice and if it aligns with the intent of New Jersey’s contribution limits.

“This is about upholding the integrity of Hoboken’s elections,” Fisher said. “New Jersey’s campaign finance laws are designed to prevent excessive influence by any one donor. If there’s a loophole that allows candidates to use multiple campaign accounts to fund one campaign or to double-dip from donors and sidestep contribution limits, then ELEC must confirm whether this is legal or a violation of the law.”

Several City Council members running for mayor have maintained active City Council campaign committees while launching their mayoral campaigns. Fisher’s request seeks clarity on whether funds raised under an existing City Council committee can be used for a mayoral campaign in a way that complies with legal contribution limits.

Her advisory opinion request outlines scenarios where candidates raise money under a committee for a future election, such as the 2027 City Council race, while simultaneously spending on campaign assets—such as websites, literature and advertisements—for an imminent election, like the 2025 mayoral race. It also questions whether donors who have already contributed the maximum amount to one committee can legally contribute again to a separate committee, with all funds ultimately benefiting the same campaign.

Fisher emphasized the importance of ensuring all candidates follow the same rules and that campaign finance laws are applied as intended. She also noted a recent administrative oversight in the filing of her final ELEC report that closed out her 2023 City Council campaign, which she promptly corrected.

Fisher submitted the request to ELEC on Wednesday, March 5, by registered mail, with the opinion expected within 10 days of receipt.

“Transparency and accountability in campaign finance are essential to public trust,” Fisher said. “This advisory opinion request is about making sure the rules are clear and followed by everyone. I am fully committed to complying with ELEC’s guidance and ensuring this election is fair for all candidates and voters.”



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