County Clerk announces Archives Day 2018 Jane G. Clayton Award Winner

County Clerk announces Archives Day 2018

Jane G. Clayton Award Winner

Freehold Borough Historian, Kevin A. Coyne, wins award



MANALAPAN, NJ – Monmouth County Clerk Christine Giordano Hanlon is pleased to announce that Kevin A. Coyne is the winner of the 2018 Jane G. Clayton Award. The award will be presented at the County Clerk’s 23rd Annual Archives and History Day on Saturday, Oct. 13 at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters in Manalapan.


“Kevin Coyne is an outstanding journalist, town historian, and public servant who embodies the Jane G. Clayton Award through his dedication to the promotion and preservation of Freehold Borough’s history,” said County Clerk Hanlon.


Coyne is the author of several books, including Marching Home: To War and Back with the Men of One American Town, about six World War II veterans from Freehold. In addition, he has served as the Freehold Borough Historian since 2000 and has contributed to many projects in the town, including the World War II memorial at Elks Point.

When Coyne served on the Freehold Borough Council, he helped establish the town’s Historic Preservation Commission, on which he still serves. He has also served on the board of the Monmouth County Historical Association and, since 2000, has been an adjunct professor at the Columbia Journalism School.

“Kevin Coyne has made a lasting mark in the County seat and I am delighted that he will be receiving the Clayton Award as recognition for his many years of service to our community,” said County Clerk Hanlon.


Named for the former County Clerk who established the Monmouth County Archives, the Jane G. Clayton Award has been given annually since 1997 to an individual who has made a major contribution to the preservation and knowledge of Monmouth County history.


This year’s Archives Week events from Oct. 13 to 17 will focus on the history of Monmouth County buildings, the subject of a month-long exhibit, opening Oct. 1, organized by the Monmouth County Archives at the Monmouth County Library Headquarters in Manalapan.

At 11 a.m. on Oct. 13, the Jane G. Clayton Award will be presented to Kevin A. Coyne during the plenary session at the County Clerk’s 23rd Annual Archives and History Day. That day, more than 60 local and state history organizations will set-up displays on topics relating to New Jersey history and their organizations. With 300 expected attendees, County Clerk Hanlon encourages all local historical organizations to participate in the event and to sign up for an exhibitor table.

“Archives Day is designed for the public to connect with archivists, historians, and other preservationists,” said Monmouth County Archivist Gary D. Saretzky. “This event provides the opportunity to learn about the history of Monmouth County and to hear fascinating stories from the people who have studied it.”

For more information about Archives and History Day, including the preliminary program for the event, please visit the Monmouth County Clerk’s Archives Division website at or contact the Monmouth County Archives at 732-308-3771, ext. 3776, or email

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