Craig Cayetano - “I Have Bold Ideas & Offer a Clear Vision for the Future of Hawthorne,” Said Green Party Candidate for Council in Hawthorne Ward 3 


Craig Cayetano - “I Have Bold Ideas & Offer a Clear Vision for the Future of Hawthorne,” Said Green Party Candidate for Council in Hawthorne Ward 3



October 10th, 2019


My name is Craig Cayetano and I am running for Town Council in Hawthorne's Ward 3 to be an advocate for everyone. I'm a lifelong Northern New Jersey resident. I grew up in Bergenfield, but reside in Hawthorne for over 15 years now. I'm second generation Peruvian on my father's side and Italian/German descent on my mother's. Both my mother and grandmother were hardworking waitresses; living paycheck to paycheck.


For that reason, I have always believed in, and worked for, fairness and inclusion of all people and political parties in the United States. I study all sides of the political spectrum to develop a common sense or “real world” approach to issues. I have seen the control, influence and harm the two-party system has inflicted on the electoral process. I respect and understand those who still vote in every election, but remain Independent or Unaffiliated. Working on a variety of campaigns in New Jersey over the last few years, I was able to converse about the day-to-day issues that matter most to people. I believe in and strive to build the Green Party because it is focused on the concerns of the community, environment, small local businesses, and labor and not beholden to any corporate interests or donors. I’m now one of our state's National Delegates and also a State Co-Chair. I try to lead by example and have been a listener, activist, and organizer. I will be a strong advocate for the people here in Ward 3 and for all of Hawthorne.


I have been a proud member of the Hawthorne Green Team for the past year. We have done wonderful work introducing styrofoam collection drives, showcasing electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles at our events and bringing EV charging station infrastructure conversations to the forefront.


Yet, there is even more that needs to be done. That is why I decided to step up and run a campaign that encompasses numerous bold ideas & offers a clear vision for the future of Hawthorne.


I am making this a fun and informative campaign from our Tag N’ Sip: environmental themed art with the support of Strange Moon Creative Shop and Fat Moe’s, and our Voter Registration Drive/Meet & Greet at Billy’s Midway with El Gallo. I’m hosting weekly recap meetings and breakfast at Andy’s Corner on Sundays. I have had a fully active and engaging campaign on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and a full-fledged website since May.


I’m proud of the connections made with our local small businesses, the townspeople and the Board of Education (BOE). I’ve been the only candidate in Ward 3 that fully supported the referendum on social media and door to door since early this year. I believe that there needs to be a strong bond between the BOE and Town Council. I also advocate for a stronger bond with the BOE and the Environmental Commission in regards to the Sustainable Jersey Schools program. You will see this in greater detail in my full “Green Vision & Future For Hawthorne” platform.


Today is the public release of my platform online which is formulated under these main values, central to the Green Party vision: Grassroots Democracy, Ecological Wisdom, Community Based Economics and Future Focus & Sustainability. I’m committed to bringing bold and original ideas to Hawthorne that can be accomplished. Here is the link to this “Green Vision & Future” plan.


For the few that are long term, I’m here to fight and get them started. As I knock on doors and see how people love our campaign message, it really makes me proud when they say, “We’ll be voting for the person, not the party on November 5th.” Can we turn Hawthorne Green? I know we can with your support and vote! Thank you!

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