Crispi Calls for Expulsion of Palatucci from the RNC
Crispi Calls for Expulsion of Palatucci from the RNC
Says Gubernatorial Candidates Must Also Disavow Palatucci and His Enablers
New Jersey — America First Republicans Co-Chairman Mike Crispi today demanded that the Republican National Committee expel National Committeeman Bill Palatucci under Rule No. 4(b) and called on the GOP gubernatorial candidates to disavow him along with his allies, Chris Christie and George Gilmore, who have been working overtime to sabotage President Trump’s re-election.
“Bill Palatucci is engaged in the most overt anti-Trump activism we’ve seen since Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger were in Congress,” Crispi said. “It’s time to put Palatucci out to pasture.”
Crispi made his remarks on The Roger Stone Show on WABC Radio Sunday evening.
“President Trump is now leading in the polls in New Jersey and on track to win a landslide election carrying states Republicans haven’t won in 40 years,” Crispi said. “But Palatucci says he’d rather see Joe Biden re-elected and offered to help the No Labels Party split the Republican vote. He even says he'll resign if President Trump wins in November. Let’s just end his tenure now.”
Crispi said that Palatucci’s re-election last week was made possible only because Christie and Gilmore reportedly suggested they could help committee members receive judgeships, legal work, and other lucrative contracts in exchange for votes.
“This kind of swampy, quid pro quo bullshit is exactly what President Trump and the America First movement oppose,” Crispi said. “It’s time for NJ Republican leaders — especially the gubernatorial candidates — to totally disavow Christie, Palatucci and Gilmore.”
Crispi said New Jersey Republicans must be totally unified in support of President Trump in order to carry the Garden State and rebuild the NJGOP which was left in shambles following the Christie Bridgegate Scandal.
“Bill Palatucci is nothing more than Chris Christie’s bagman and Gilmore’s true motives as a GOP Chairman and paid political campaign consultant are impossible to figure out due to his massive conflicts of interest,” Crispi said.
Crispi said the GOP needs Republican leaders who will put our state and our country first.
“Palatucci, Christie, and Gilmore will never put our interests first,” Crispi said. “It’s our party now, whether they realize it yet or not.”