Cruz-Perez Bill Establishing New Learner Permit Requirements Clears Committee

Cruz-Perez Bill Establishing New Learner Permit Requirements Clears Committee


TRENTON –   A bill sponsored by Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez establishing new requirements for examination and special learner’s permits passed the Senate Transportation Committee today.


The bill, S-335, would change the graduated driver licensing law by requiring holders of examination permits and special learner’s permits under the age of twenty-one to complete at least fifty hours of practice driving, ten hours of which be completed during hours of darkness but not between 11:00 p.m. and 5 a.m.


The bill would require the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission to adopt new guidelines and would increase the amount of time required to hold a permit before becoming eligible for a probationary license from six months to twelve months.


“These new requirements will help ensure our young drivers have the optimum amount of time to safely become acclimated behind the wheel,” said Senator Cruz-Perez (D-Camden/Gloucester).  “Having a permit for twelve months instead of six doubles the driving experience required and allows new drivers to experience the road conditions seen throughout the year.”


The bill would take effect on the first day of the thirteenth month after enactment, but the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission can take anticipatory actions necessary to implement the provisions of the bill.


The bill was released from committee with a 5-0 vote.  It next moves to the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee for further consideration.

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