Cryan for Senate campaign also releases additional endorsements


UNION – The Cryan for State Senate campaign today announced the full endorsement by the four municipal chairs from the towns that comprise the 20th legislative district.  The representatives from Elizabeth, Union, Roselle and Hillside voted yesterday to award Joe Cryan the Union County line in his bid to become the district’s next State Senator.  Cryan is unopposed in his Primary campaign for the senate seat, which is currently held by Senator Ray Lesniak.  Senator Lesniak previously announced his decision to not run for re-election.

Cryan’s campaign also released additional statements of support today from Rep. Donald Payne; Jeff Baumbach, President of the Port Authority Police Lieutenants Benevolent Association; Rich Hassmiller, President of the Port Authority Sergeants Benevolent Association; Pat McNerney, President of the Port Authority Police Detectives Endowment Association; and Assembly Ralph Caputo, adding to the dozens of legislators, organizations and unions who have already offered their support for Sheriff Cryan’s candidacy.

“I am proud to have earned the confidence and endorsement of so many for our campaign,” said Cryan.  “The early support from Chairman Green, Chairman Currie, Senator Scutari, Assemblyman Holley, Assemblywoman Quijano and Mayor Bollwage, along with so many from throughout the county and across the state, has provided our campaign with tremendous momentum and enthusiasm.  I’m looking forward to continue speaking with people throughout the district in the hopes that we are successful in November and can go to Trenton and fight for Union, Elizabeth, Roselle and Hillside’s hard working families.”

Cryan served in the General Assembly from 2002-2015 before succeeding one of his professional mentors, Sheriff Ralph Froehlich, after his untimely passing.  Cryan was then elected to the County Sheriff’s position for a full term.  Following are the endorsements from Rep. Payne, Baumbach, Hassmiller and McNerney, and Assemblyman Caputo.

Citing his career in public service on the frontlines fighting for Democratic values, Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr. (NJ-10) today endorsed Union County Sheriff Joseph Cryan in his campaign to be the next State Senator representing New Jersey’s 20th legislative district.  Rep. Payne, Jr. is a member of the Small Business Committee as well as the Committee on Homeland Security where he serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications.

“Joe Cryan has been a friend to my family and I for a number of years,” said Rep. Payne.  “As Democratic State Chair, and as a member of the General Assembly, Joe has shown time and again that he will not shy away from the tough battles.  His work as Union County Sheriff fighting to get guns off the streets to protect children and keep the county’s neighborhoods safe is indicative of Joe’s continued resolve and commitment.  Joe Cryan is a truly dedicated public servant and would be a tremendous representative in the State Senate for his district.”

The following statement in support of Joe Cryan’s candidacy for State Senate is from Jeff Baumbach, President of the Port Authority Police Lieutenants Benevolent Association; Rich Hassmiller, President of the Port  Authority Sergeants Benevolent Association; and Pat McNerney, President of the Port Authority Police Detectives Endowment Association:

“Joe Cryan has always proven himself willing to engage in the important fights for working men and women.  As an Undersheriff in Union County, and then as the elected Sheriff, Joe utilized every tool at his disposal to keep families safe and protected.  We welcome the public safety expertise he will bring back to the Legislature and intend to provide Joe whatever support and resources he may need in his campaign for State Senate.”

Assemblyman Ralph Caputo today also announced his support for Cryan’s campaign.  Caputo represents the 28th district in New Jersey’s General Assembly.

“As a member of the Assembly, Joe Cryan was a fierce advocate for working families throughout New Jersey,” said Assemblyman Caputo.  “It was a pleasure working side by side with him, fighting to make our state a better place to live, work and raise a family, and I look forward to having his experience and tenacity back in Trenton.  With all of the damage done to New Jersey’s middle class taxpayers under Governor Christie’s watch, we have a lot of work to do to get things on a positive track.  Fighters like Joe Cryan will be integral to that process and I look forward to doing whatever necessary to make sure his campaign for State Senate is successful.”

Cryan’s campaign for State Senate has previously been endorsed by Union County Chairman Jerry Green, Democratic State Chairman John Currie, U.S. Senator Cory Booker, Rep. Frank Pallone, Rep. Albio Sires, Senate President Steve Sweeney, Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, Phil Murphy, Senator and former Governor Richard Codey, 20th district Assembly members Annette Quijano and Jamel Holley, Senator Patrick Diegnan, Assemblyman John McKeon, Assemblywoman Mila Jasey, Assemblyman Ralph Caputo, Elizabeth Mayor J. Christian Bollwage, State Senator Nick Scutari, NJSPBA President Patrick Colligan, FMBA President Ed Donnelly, Ray Pocino and the Laborers’ International Union of North America, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 825, and IBEW Local 102 Business Manager Patrick Della Cava.

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