Cunningham Bill to Protect College Students from Unnecessary Bank Fees Clears Committee


Cunningham Bill to Protect College Students from Unnecessary Bank Fees Clears Committee


Trenton – Legislation sponsored by Senate Higher Education Chair Senator Sandra Bolden Cunningham, which aims to protect college students from unnecessary bank fees, was released from the Senate Higher Education Committee today.


“The CFPB report made it clear that these types of agreements, where banks are paying colleges to be able to market certain products directly to students, are not in the best interest of the students,” said Senator Cunningham (D-Hudson). “Especially if the Trump Administration is not going to take action at the federal level, it is our responsibility to protect New Jersey students from these predatory tactics.”


The bill, S-804, would ban arrangements wherein institutions of higher education receive compensation from a financial institution in exchange for certain privileges, including the ability to access student data and market directly to students.


The bill comes out of a 2018 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau report which found that at colleges where banks pay schools to promote accounts, students pay up to three times more on average in fees.


The bill was released from committee by a vote of 5-0.

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