Cuozzo Vows to Stand with President Trump Against the Radical Left

Cuozzo Vows to Stand with President Trump Against the Radical Left


Plumsted, NJ – Twelfth District Assembly Candidate Pastor Dominick Cuozzo today vowed to stand with President Trump against the radical leftists who have politically weaponized the Justice Department.


“It is a sad day for American freedoms when a man elected to the highest office in this nation is subjected to a political witch hunt at the hands of armed federal agents.  Ask yourself, ‘how many times was Hilary Clinton raided by the FBI?’  As a republic, it is our responsibility to help our former president in regard to an investigation launched on the whim of an irrational and irresponsible Administration.”

Cuozzo’s comments came in response to the federal invasion of President Trump’s Florida home, Mar-A-Lago.

“New Jersey Republicans must speak with one voice: President Trump is being targeted by a Justice Department with a political vendetta” Cuozzo declared.

Dominick Cuozzo resides in Plumsted and is the favorite to fill the vacated term of the late Assemblyman Ronald S. Dancer. The election will be held on Thursday, August 11th in Freehold.

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