Rodriguez is Best Candidate for Working Families…..While Rogue is Cozy With Corruption, Corporate Interests & Chris Christie

(WEST NEW YORK, NJ) – Today, the Communications Workers of America (CWA) District 1 enthusiastically endorsed Gabriel Rodriguez for Mayor of West New York. According to CWA Locals and Members, Rodriguez is by far the best candidate – because he shares their progressive values and fights for New Jersey’s middle-class and working families.


“New Jersey is sick and tired of elected officials like Felix Roque – who for far too long have been far too cozy with corruption, corporate interests and Chris Christie,” said CWA NJ State Director Hetty Rosenstein. “CWA is proud to endorse Gabrield Rodriguez, because he has a healthy respect for working families. West New York deserves a new beginning with a Mayor who works for the people, and public workers deserve a workplace free from political coercion and intimidation.”


“Our team is proud to have the support of the hardworking men and women of the CWA who help deliver essential services to our community every singe day,” said Commissioner Gabriel Rodriguez. “Mayor Roque has failed to live up to his responsibilities as a leader in many ways, but his abuse and mistreatment of town employees that have cost our taxpayers over $3.5 million in legal settlements is one of the most glaring. Our team is running to bring change to our community, and the time for that change is now.” 


Unfortunately, Mayor Felix Roque has a history of abusing his power and subjecting municipal employees to politically-motivated retaliation. Roque has taken actions against employees who support his political opponents on their own time – including changing work assignments, relocating staff and resources to unfit office environments. Moreover, Roque has improperly utilized municipal resources for his political campaign and misused town letterhead in an electoral matter.


As such, CWA proudly stands in support of Gabriel Rodriguez in his campaign to bring a new beginning for everyone who lives and works in West New York. Election Day is next Tuesday, May 14th.


The Communications Workers of America (AFL-CIO) represents both private sector and public workers. CWA represents more than 70,000 working families in New Jersey, including over 40,000 state workers, 15,000 county and municipal workers, and thousands of workers in the telecommunications, airlines, healthcare and direct care industries. In West New York, CWA represents hundreds of employees at town hall, as well as those who work at theParking Authority and Housing Authority.


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