The overwhelming theme of the recent labor rally led by the AFSCME union and the CWA in Trenton was: Gov. Murphy is good and Senate President Sweeney is bad.


Workers Processed Over Half-A-Million Unemployment Claims Over Past Few Weeks Alone

(TRENTON, NEW JERSEY)  In the face of Covid-19 forcing so many New Jerseyans to find themselves in tough economic times and without income or jobs, members of the Communications Workers of America (CWA) at the New Jersey Department of Labor (DOL) continue working tirelessly to process a record number of unemployment claims. 

Since March 15th alone, more than 858,000 people have filed for unemployment.  At this time last year, New Jersey had just over 84,000 people collecting unemployment. Last week, the state saw another 140,139 unemployment claims filed. In spite of the extraordinary number of claims, CWA members working in unemployment offices have already completed processing over 556,000 claims.

This is a 560% jump from just a year ago.  And they’re accomplishing this with a smaller workforce, as many workers themselves are either out sick or at home caring for family members.

“It is simply phenomenal what these workers are accomplishing. There is no other way to describe the job they continue to do during an unprecedented and unforeseen wave of unemployment claims”, said Hetty Rosenstein, CWA NJ Area Director. “Everyone knows about the front lines being healthcare or grocery store workers, but unemployment workers are on the job for 10-12 hours every single day, to make sure New Jersey families can keep their lights on. These heroes working for the Department of Labor are helping keep our state afloat.”

Before Covid-19 reared its head, it was difficult to even comprehend the chilling effect a pandemic like this could have on New Jersey’s working families.  As new unemployment claims continue to come in, they’ve far surpassed records set during SuperStorm Sandy, the housing crisis and The Great Recession.

”I’ve worked at this job for 20 years, and never seen anything like this,” said Lydia Diaz, Unemployment Insurance Division at Freehold Call Center and CWA Local 1037. ”I’ve helped people through other crises – like when the housing market crashed – but it wasn’t anything nearly as massive as now with the number of claims and all coming in at once.  In the middle of the night, I find myself hoping for 7 am to come around, so I can get to work helping as many people process their claims as I humanly can. By the end of the day, my hands are cramped and my legs are swollen from the hours at my computer. But it is all worth it for when someone is able to get the money they need. On more than one occasion, we’ve cried together on the phone as their claim gets processed.”

“Every day, my number one goal is to help as many people as possible.” said Michelle Day, Unemployment Insurance Division at John Fitch Plaza in Trenton and CWA Local 1038. “In the past, I’ve been in their shoes and out-of-a-job, so I know first-hand the stress they’re dealing with. And now I’m in a position where I can help people during these tough times and that means the world to me.  I want everyone to know we are rooting for them and we are here to help process claims as fast as we possibly can, and more.”

“During this crisis, we are working so hard and trying our best to help people put food on the table,” said Sarala Naik, DOL Software Development Specialist and CWA Local 1038.  “It is an honor to serve the citizens of this state I love. Everyone I work with here at the Department of Labor is a hero and working long, intense hours in an emotionally-charged job to assist their fellow New Jerseyans.”

“It is so heartening seeing so many co-workers jumping up and pitching in to help wherever and whenever they can. Personally, I’m working twelve-hour days all week, including time on the weekend,” said Tammy Baldosaro, Claims Examiner for the Cumberland Adjudication Center and CWA Local 1038. “Every single one of these claims will be taken care of correctly under the guidelines. But it is time-consuming, since we have to go at them one-at-a-time.  We’re making progress and completing things as fast as we possibly can, while ensuring accuracy and following the correct guidelines.“

During this Covid-19 pandemic, CWA members are indeed among our state’s most essential workers – keeping our communities and our state going during unprecedented times.  From the nurses in Veteran’s Homes, to the people staffing the Department of Health hotline to the workers at unemployment call centers, CWA workers are on the job. These hard-working men and women exemplify the very best of New Jersey.

When it comes to unemployment, these workers know there are still several thousand claims that must be processed. And they’re working day-and-night to get it done. They’re putting in long hours, while still dealing with their own health, families, hardships and safety. These workers are doing their job and then figuring out how to get to the grocery store, help their kids with schoolwork and keep their own families together. These CWA members should be recognized for their herculean efforts, as they prove precisely who public workers are and what they’re about.  When these workers are needed…they are right there providing assistance for people in their times of need. 

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