Cybulski, Squire And Gustafson Say $25-$50 Million Could Be Better Spent

Cybulski, Squire And Gustafson Say $25-$50 Million Could Be Better Spent

CHERRY HILL – Republican candidates for Camden County Freeholder, Keith Cybulski, Vincent Squire and Claire Gustafson said today that they could find better uses for $25-$50 million other than a 32-mile bike and pedestrian path.

At issue is a recently published report explaining that Camden County officials are planning a 32-mile bike and pedestrian path across the county at a cost of $25-$50 million.

“I don’t remember a single voter telling me they believe our county government should spend $25-$50 million on a bike path,” Freeholder candidate Keith Cybulski said. “Considering that, according to, Camden County is ranked 23rd of 3,143 counties across the nation in order of median property taxes that money might be better spent providing property tax relief to county taxpayers.”

“There are many places $25-$50 million could be better spent,” Freeholder candidate Vincent Squire added. “According to its website the CCMUA’s standard household user rate is $352 per year, that kind of money could be used to provide some relief on that bill.”

Freeholder candidate Claire Gustafson asked, “How about the potholes?”

“In an interview in February Freeholder Susan Shin Angulo said, ‘There’s no way to avoid every single pothole. Just drive carefully.’ Here’s an idea, use some of that $25-$50 million to fill all the potholes in county roads.” Gustafson said.

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