Dancer bill helps voters compare apples to apples on Election Day

All candidates for state office, incumbents and challengers,  will be held to the same financial disclosure requirements as incumbents under a measure introduced by Assemblyman Ron Dancer. The bill (A4830) requires people running for office to file the same personal financial disclosure statements that legislators must file.


“Everyone running for state election should be held to the same standard,” said Dancer (R-Ocean). “Requiring candidates to provide the same detailed information keeps the playing field level and helps voters make an informed decision.”


Currently, the Legislative Code of Ethics only directs the incumbent legislative office holder to file and certify a detailed financial disclosure statement with the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC) and the Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards.


Under Dancer’s bill, the same detailed financial disclosure statement would be required of all candidates, incumbents and challengers, 10 days after the deadline for filing a petition to appear on the ballot in the primary election.

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