Dancer resolution removing onerous horse racing rule during a state shutdown moves through committee

Dancer resolution removing onerous horse racing
rule during a state shutdown moves through committee
TRENTON, N.J. – Assemblyman Ron Dancer’s legislation (ACR186) to keep horse tracks and off-track wagering facilities operating during a state shutdown unanimously passed the Assembly tourism committee today by a 7-0 vote.
“This rule is an unnecessary burden that not only threatens the stability of the industry, but also jeopardizes the jobs and finances of thousands of employees,” said Dancer (R-Ocean). “A shutdown was averted at the last minute this summer, and it could have been disastrous for the industry. We are calling on the racing commission to withdraw this harmful regulation.”
A 2008 law allows racetracks and off-track wagering facilities to continue operating for up to seven days if a budget is not signed.
Dancer’s resolution targets a rule adopted in 2011 by the state Racing Commission that requires race tracks to explain a month before a shutdown how it plans to continue operations. The letter must include the names of employees needed to meet its regulatory obligations.
“Thirteen thousand jobs should not get caught up in red tape with an onerous and over reaching regulation,” said Dancer.
Dancer’s resolution is the first of a two-step process to invalidate the provision. If the Assembly and Senate pass the measure, the racing commission will have 30 days to amend or withdraw the rule. If the commission fails to take action, the Legislature can pass a second resolution invalidating the regulation.