Kipnis will support legislation to amend NJ Rabies Law to Protect Our Pets as well as seek to ban harmful pesticides from parks, schools, dog parks, and playgrounds.
SOMERSET, NJ- March 27, 2017, Daryl J. Kipnis, Esq., who has received the endorsements of the Middlesex County Republican Organization and Somerset County Republican Organization in connection with his candidacy for the New Jersey State Senate in the 17th Legislative District, packed Panico’s Restaurant in New Brunswick wall to wall with supporters as he joined forces with the renowned Dr. John Robb, DVM, to deliver a promise to protect our pets.
Kipnis said, "We will protect our pets! I absolutely support the Amended Rabies Law and intend to sponsor it in the Senate immediately after I am elected!" Dr. John Robb told the crowd, "The pets are in danger. As I stand up here, two or three pets are going to die from a vaccine they didn't need to have." The crowd cheered, "That's right!" Dr. Robb continued, "Two or three people are going to be in tears having lost the love of their life for no reason but financial gain and those in the veterinary establishment know this but do it anyway to get their beach houses." Dr. Robb uses the term, "Peticide" which he describes at the systematic distruction of pets for profit. "This is a crime against humanity," he said in his speech to the crowd.
"The science has been known for close to 40 years. People are angry and pet owners are gathering together. You, the pet owner, are the force that will change these laws because you will let your elected officials know that, if you want to represent me, then you change this rabies law." Dr. Robb explained that a "simple blood titer can be done" at any veterinarian office to prove immunity and the pet "does not need an additional rabies shot." The crowd clapped as Dr. Robb said, "The little dogs cannot get a full cc like a Saint Bernard. A Chihuahua that weigh 4 pounds should get .1cc and if it gets 1 whole cc then it's getting 10 times the dosage." Dr. Robb told the crowd, "If you take 2 Advil, take 20 instead and see what happens to your stomach! We are injecting these dogs every day and overdosing them!"
Dr. Robb told everyone he is thankful to Mr. Kipnis for his intention introduce and support legislation to protect animal rights and the room cheered for Kipnis. "If he's elected, he's going to make a change," Dr. Robb said.
The proposed amended rabies law, for which Dr. Robb has successfully campaigned for passage in other states, will provide that if a pet’s titer blood test comes back showing immunity, the pet will not be required to be re-vaccinated. It would also givethe veterinarian control over how much of a dose a pet should get based on their weight.
Daryl has been a longtime supporter of animal rescue efforts andHumane Society of the United States, as well as local shelters. "I will be the voice for the animals and always defend them. The animals need to be represented to protect their well-being. When I am elected, I am always work to protect the interests of our animal friends as well as their owners."
Kipnis also addressed the core tenets of his platform to address the crisis of affordability in New Jersey, in which he will work to achieve tax relief “from every angle,” and as the owner of Kipnis Law Offices in Franklin Township, he is not merely satisfied with bringing jobs to New Jersey, but rather, careers, including paths to business ownership. In one example of his plans to both safeguard the environment and the health, safety, and welfare of New Jerseyans while simultaneously controlling costs and cutting spending once elected, Daryl will introduce legislation providing for the elimination of the use of potentially harmful pesticides in public parks, schools, playgrounds, and dog parks. "We need safe landscaping practices and elimination of potentially harmful toxic pesticides where children play, dogs walk, and children's sports fields," Kipnis said. "The toxic pesticides that we are all being exposed to are tremendously detrimental to our families, pets, our ecosystem, and our health. As a parent of three children and a pet owner, I am concerned when I see landscapers spraying glyphosate all around the playground where our children play. Pesticide residues will remain on the grass even if it is dry. I will work with Eco-friendly landscapers and other contractors and and support local New Jersey companies that specialize in non-toxic pest control options.”
Daryl is always available to discuss any concerns that New Jersey residents may have, or issues that are important them, and invites them to contact him via email at kipnisforstatesenate@gmail.com.
Please contact Rochelle Kipnis at 610-533-0711 or Rochelle@att.net to set up an interview and/or photo opportunities. Please let us know that you're coming so we can accommodate all media needs.
About Daryl J. Kipnis, Esq
Daryl J. Kipnis, Esq., a resident of Franklin Township, is a 1998 graduate of East Brunswick High School, a 2002 Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Rutgers College (B.A. With Honors, Political Science), and 2005 graduate of Seton Hall Law School. He has been a practicing attorney in New Jersey for over 10 years, owns and operates his law practice, Kipnis Law Offices, located in Franklin Township, and also serves as a volunteer mediator in several New Jersey Superior Court vicinages throughout the State. Daryl is a devoted husband and father of three young children, and a homeschooling parent. He understands and appreciates the commitments and challenges of raising a family in New Jersey and stands ready to represent the people of this State in the State Legislature. Daryl is always available to discuss any concerns of the community and work to resolve them.