Davis Team STatement on the Debate in Bayonne Tonight

"Mayor Davis made a clear, compelling case tonight for why Bayonne must continue to move forward into the bright future that the Davis team has worked hard over the last four years to build. Despite the continuous false attacks from O'Donnell and his special interest allies, Bayonne voters can see the progress happening in their city all around them with their own eyes. They see the improvements in city parks, the incredible progress at MOTBY and the $10 million dollars in new annual tax revenue being generated at new developments by Mayor Davis and his team. The truth is that Bayonne has experienced more progress in the last four years than it has at any point in decades, and that is exactly why voters will re-elect Mayor Davis along with his Council team of Sharon Ashe-Nadrowski, Juan Perez, Tom Cotter, Sal Gullace and Gary La Pelusa on May 8th."

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