DeAngelo: BPU Storm Report Shows Areas In Need Of Improvement
DeAngelo: BPU Storm Report Shows Areas
In Need Of Improvement
(TRENTON) – Assembly Telecommunications & Utilities Committee Chairman Wayne P. DeAngelo (D-Mercer, Middlesex) Wednesday issued the following statement regarding the release of a report by the state Board of Public Utilities review of the response by energy providers to this past year’s major winter storms:
“The unprecedented storms that impacted New Jersey late in the winter of 2018 showed that our energy systems can be vulnerable at any time of year. While a lot has been done since the devastation of Superstorm Sandy to improve the resiliency and reliability of our energy grid, New Jerseyans experienced outages and delays in restoration this winter that still need to be addressed for the long-run.
“I greatly appreciate the time and attention that the BPU put in to thoroughly examine the root cause of power outages --whether it was fallen trees from high winds or the sheer impact of the storms-- and then the subsequent response by the energy providers. My colleagues in the Legislature and I will take a closer look at their findings and determine if there are areas that need to be addressed legislatively as we work together with the energy companies in our state to provide reliable energy services to all communities.”