DeAngelo, Lopez on Resolution Designating November as “Food Pantry Donation Month” in New Jersey

DeAngelo, Lopez on Resolution Designating November as

“Food Pantry Donation Month” in New Jersey

Measure Encourages Food Bank Giving, Education


(TRENTON) – Aiming to assist the more than 900,000 New Jersey residents facing food insecurity daily, 270,000 of which are children, Assembly Democrats Wayne P. DeAngelo (D-Mercer, Middlesex) and Yvonne Lopez (D-Middlesex) have introduced a joint resolution to permanently designate November of each year as “Food Pantry Donation Month” in New Jersey.

The measure (AJR60) cleared the Assembly Human Services Committee 6-0 Thursday.  DeAngelo and Lopez issued the following responses:


Assemblyman Wayne P. DeAngelo (D-Mercer, Middlesex)

“People from all walks of life struggle to put food on their tables on a regular basis. Too many men, women and children are hungry daily in every community in our state.

            “This resolution reminds us that there are too many New Jerseyans represented by unfortunate hunger statistics.  It also encourages us to take action by donating to our community’s food banks and pantries that are the safety nets for those who face food insecurity.”

Assemblywoman Yvonne Lopez (D-Middlesex)
“Through this legislation, New Jersey residents will become more educated about the crucial role food pantries play in feeding those who struggle with hunger, malnutrition and even starvation—all of which are the result of food insecurity.
“Supporting food banks gives each of us a way to help reduce hunger in our communities. When everyone contributes, the impact can be tremendous.”

The joint resolution was introduced in February and now awaits further consideration from the Assembly.

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