DeCroce Backs Bucco & Dunn in June 4th Republican Primary


DeCroce Backs Bucco & Dunn in June 4th Republican Primary

Calls them Best Republican Team to Fight Liberal Murphy Rubber Stamps in November

Parsippany, May 28, 2019— Assemblywoman BettyLou DeCroce (R-Morris) has announced her strong endorsement of fellow Republicans Aura Dunn and Assemblyman Anthony Bucco (R-Morris). Bucco serves as the second highest ranking Republican in the State Assembly, and Dunn is one of the three newcomers seeking an open seat.

“Anthony Bucco has overwhelming support from Republicans across Morris County, because he is a proven leader we need in Trenton fighting for taxpayers. I’ve seen that leadership first-hand as he tirelessly fights against the Murphy Democrats and for a more affordable New Jersey. I’m proud to continue to stand with him again in his re-election,” said DeCroce, who has family roots in the Rockaway area and part of the 25th District.

“Additionally, Aura Dunn’s temperament, values and experience in both the public and private sector, including serving as key advisor to Rodney Frelinghuysen, will be a terrific asset for residents. I’m confident that together, Bucco and Dunn will not only afford us the best opportunity to defeat the Democrats this fall and keep them in Republican hands, but fight for our fiscal conservative values of lower taxes, less spending and smaller government.”

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