DeFusco Campaign Announces Strong Second Quarter Fundraising Totals
DeFusco Campaign Announces Strong Second Quarter Fundraising Totals
HOBOKEN, NJ --Hoboken City Councilman and mayoral candidate Mike DeFusco today announced strong fundraising efforts in the second quarter of 2017. In conjunction with Team DeFusco for Hoboken council candidates Michael Flett and Andrew Impastato, DeFusco’s campaign has raised $205,426 to date, including $115,215 raised in the campaign’s second quarter. The campaign currently has $178,946 cash on hand.
“I am truly humbled by the support our campaign has received to bring new leadership to Hoboken,” said DeFusco. “Our fundraising efforts show there is an appetite for new energy and new ideas to move our city forward.”
A 13 year resident of Hoboken, DeFusco brings 7 years of municipal service on both the Zoning Board of Adjustment as well as his current position as First Ward Councilman. DeFusco has promised to preserve historic brownstones, and bring innovative new industries to Hoboken to stabilize residential taxes. Election day is November 7, 2017.