DeFusco 'Shocked, Stunned' that Politically Connected Lawyer Bhalla Selects Politically Connected Lawyer as Running Mate

DeFusco 'Shocked, Stunned' that Politically Connected Lawyer Bhalla Selects Politically Connected Lawyer as Running Mate
Hoboken, NJ – Councilman Mike DeFusco, a candidate for Hoboken Mayor, released the following statement in reaction to the announcement by fellow Councilman and mayoral candidate Ravi Bhalla of his Council slate:

"It was difficult to contain my shock at hearing that Ravi Bhalla, a politically connected insider lawyer at one of New Jersey's most powerful law firms, made the stunning choice to select a fellow political establishment attorney in John P. Allen for his Council slate. Who could have ever guessed that a lawyer like Ravi, whose law firm was paid over $3.8 million in government contracts in 2016, would decide to run with a lawyer whose firm was also paid over $3.8 million in government contacts? A truly inspired, outside-the-box pick."

"In all seriousness, this is just the latest example of a candidate for Mayor in Ravi Bhalla who claims to represent reform, but who in reality is a pay-to-play lawyer more interested in the next government contract than in delivering for the people. That's who Ravi Bhalla is and this selection of a fellow insider attorney is just the latest proof."

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