Delaware River Festival & River Days Kick-Off

Delaware River Festival &

River Days Kick-Off

WHAT: Celebrate the mighty Delaware River at the first Delaware River Festival, a Kick-off of the Alliance for Watershed Education's River Days and Partnership for the Delaware Estuary's (PDE) Pennsylvania Coast Day. These two events are partnering for the first-ever "coast-to-coast" experience - Two Festivals, Two Coasts, One Great Day!

WHEN: September 15, 2018 9:45 AM – 11:45 AM
9:45 AM Press Conference onboard RiverLink Ferry -Experience the crossing  

WHERE: Depart 10:00 AM sharp - Phila dock - 211 South Columbus Blvd, next to Independence Seaport Museum

  • Ferry will arrive 10:15 AM 1 Riverside Drive, Camden, NJ (next to Adventure Aquarium)

10:30 AM Delaware River Festival – Ribbon Cutting - Photo/Video Opp

  • Circuit River Ride across the Ben Franklin Bridge, co-hosted by Circuit trails, Tri-State Transportation Campaign, AWE and PDE

11:00 AM Pennsylvania Coast Day begins at Penn’s Landing

WHO: Join partner organization representatives on the Delaware River, then River Days ribbon cutting on Camden’s waterfront

VISUALS: Water-themed educational fun for families, games and crafts for kids, face painting, live music, fishing, biking, boat rides, a beer garden, scavenger hunt and a Philadelphia Mural Arts project. Activities are free and family-friendly. 

Attendees may cross the Delaware River FOR FREE on the RiverLink ferry** from one event to the other, or over the Ben Franklin Bridge on foot or bike.


  • 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM  Alliance for Watershed Education’s Camden River Days event will be held at the Camden Waterfront, near Adventure Aquarium and Wiggins Park in Camden, New Jersey - FREE –More Info on Facebook event page
  • 11:00 AM –  4:00 PM Partnership for the Delaware Estuary’s Pennsylvania Coast Day will be held at Penn’s Landing near Independence Seaport Museum - FREE

Also on Penn’s Landing:

  • 7:30 AM Paddle Out for Clean Water Presented by Aqua Vida- Kayaks, Paddle boards -Spruce Street Harbor Park
  • 9:30 AM - Sandy Paws Dog Walk Fur Clean Water (Presented by Aqua Vida & Clean Ocean Action) – Penn’s Landing

PHOTOS: See attached or download 2017 Coast Day images-Credit: Shaun Bailey of the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary

* Press Note: If ferry departures are inconvenient, we’ll have cars/boat to bring press/officials to opposite shore on demand.

** Free RiverLink ferry for festival attendees only

About The Alliance for Watershed Education of the Delaware River (AWE): AWE is comprised of 23 environmental education centers in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware sharing a mission to collectively increase and enhance constituent appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of the Delaware River watershed. The Delaware River watershed provides recreational opportunities for cyclists, hikers, paddlers and other outdoor enthusiasts.  It provides clean drinking water for more than 15 million people and serves as important ecological habitats to a multitude of species. for upcoming events and more information.

About The Partnership for the Delaware Estuary (PDE): PDE is a regional nonprofit organization established to take a leadership role in protecting and enhancing the Delaware Estuary, where fresh water from the Delaware River mixes with salt water from the Atlantic Ocean. Its mission is to lead science-based and collaborative efforts to improve the tidal Delaware River and Bay, which spans Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. More info at

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