Delayed Action on Bill to Expand Access to Driver’s Licenses Leads to Two More New Jersey Residents Facing Potential Deportation and Family Separation
Delayed Action on Bill to Expand Access to Driver’s Licenses Leads to Two More New Jersey Residents Facing Potential Deportation and Family Separation
Advocates and residents expressed outrage over the continued delay in Trenton and inaction by legislators on legislation A4743/S3229 that would allow more qualified residents to access a driver’s license.
New Jersey-- Wednesday, May 29th, 2019-- The human impact of the continued delay on expanding access to driver’s licenses to more residents, including residents without status, is leading to an increased threat of deportation and family separation in New Jersey.
Early in the morning on May 22nd, on a residential street in Elizabeth, ICE arrested two Make the Road New Jersey members - fathers with deep ties to the community - while they were on their way to work. Plainclothes ICE officers stopped the men and asked for identification. When they couldn't produce valid drivers licenses, ICE detained them. ICE had no warrant and no reason to stop them. Now they are facing potential deportation.
Advocates are calling on legislators to stop delaying passage of bill A4743/S3229 that would allow more qualified residents to access a driver’s license, and move the bill towards passage before they leave Trenton for the Summer legislative break on June 30th.
Research shows more than 719,000 residents have limited or no access to a driver’s licenses in the state and over 168,000 children in New Jersey with at least one parent without access, severely impacting daily life and access to opportunities. The legislative inaction is also slowing down the benefits that every resident would see from expanded access to driver’s licenses, including increased road safety and a boost to the state's economy. The latest research from New Jersey Policy Perspective shows that once the proposal is fully implemented that state will see upwards of $90 million in revenues from registration fees, the gas tax, and the sales tax.
In response, advocates and community members released the following statements:
Olga Armas with Make the Road New Jersey said,
"We are heartbroken for our members that were arrested by ICE last week on a residential street in New Jersey and now face deportation. We are calling for the New Jersey state legislature to pass legislation that will expand access to driver’s licenses to all qualified drivers, regardless of immigration status. Legislation is currently pending, and our families need action now. Our families are being separated by ICE’s cruel enforcement actions - which target individuals in dragnet deportation operations. Driving without a license puts our families at risk. New Jersey can stand up and stop this now."
Brian Lozano, Lead Organizer with Wind of the Spirit said,
“Family separation is a horrendous thing. It’s very easy for people who aren’t affected by United States’ broken immigration system to sit by idly since it’s not their mom, dad, children, or siblings being ripped away from their family unit. It’s a travesty that New Jersey’s leadership is riding the fence instead of passing proactive policies such as licenses for all, regardless of immigration status, to stop this nonsensical, scatter-shot immigration enforcement of people who often have no criminal history.”
Adriana Abizadeh, Executive Director of LALDEF said,
“Families continue to be separated in our communities without regard for the children involved. Everyone should be outraged that parents can be torn away causing household instability and long-lasting trauma. We can’t stand back and allow these injustices to continue in our neighborhoods. Get involved, help fight back!”
Charlene Walker from Faith in New Jersey said,
“There is Power in Unity! We must unite and use our power to stop allowing our government to commodify black and brown bodies. We must call out politicians that say they are for us while letting their actions tell us otherwise. If we want the land we dream of we must come together. We must say we realize the inherent dignity and worth of ALL people. As such we demand an end to deportation machine, request driver's licenses for all, and choose to have our tax dollars invested in us, not to destroy us.”
Farrin R. Anello, Senior Staff Attorney with American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey said,
“We stand in solidarity with the members of Make the Road New Jersey who were recently profiled and arrested by ICE, and with all of our partners in the Let’s Drive NJ campaign. Enough is enough – it’s time to ensure that all New Jerseyans can have access to a driver’s license.”