Demetrius Terry Statement On Students Demand Action Hudson County Rally

Dear Jersey City,
Tomorrow, there will be a rally in front of City Hall pertaining to the recent acts of gun violence organized by Students Demand Action Hudson County. I've come to realize a certain pattern in many of our urban communities across America. Once a tragedy occurs, there is a cycle of rallies to raise awareness of the issue. The reality is many of our elected officials know what do pertaining to gun violence but they choose to take action on their time. The recent violence that took place at Newport Mall in Jersey City was not an act of terror. It was a targeted act of gun violence due to gang retaliation. As stated by police, one of the suspects had an open warrant from a recent shooting in Ward F on Grant Avenue. Now that crime is shifting to Downtown Jersey City where the wealth is, Mayor Fulop wants to call for action on the Federal Level. However, the reality is we need more action on the State level and need some amends to some bills such as Bail Reform. Majority of these crimes are taking place in the South side of Jersey City which is in the 31st Legislative District. Our state lawmakers which are Senator Sandra Bolden Cunningham, Assemblyman Angela V. McKnight, and Assemblyman Nicholas Chiaravalloti and I'm hoping they will work on some amends or new bills which can help the district.
Bottom line, residents in the Wards A, F, and parts of Ward B feel neglected and ignored when crime occurs in their communities as the proper reaction or response isn't given by certain lawmakers.
That being said, tomorrow I have decided I won't be attending the rally. This is not any direct attack on the organization sponsoring the rally. However, how many more black and brown kids have to die? We continue to have rallies and there is silence.
Jersey City needs action and reform NOW!
Demetrius M. Terry, Jersey City