Democracy Advocates to Hold Statehouse Rally and Lobby Day for Same-Day Voter Registration 

Democracy Advocates to Hold Statehouse Rally and Lobby Day for Same-Day Voter Registration

TRENTON – On May 26, a coalition of democracy advocates (the “Coalition”) will hold a rally and lobby day at the statehouse in Trenton urging passage of pending legislation (A1966/S247) to establish same-day voter registration in New Jersey, including on Election Day.  A list of Coalition members and information on the day’s events are below. 

Since the same-day voter registration bill was introduced, attacks on democracy in the country and across the world have continued unabated. Legislation across the United States continues to block access to the ballot and disenfranchise voters – most often impacting Black and other voters of color.

Same-day registration has been shown to increase turnout for Black and Latina/Latino voters, and in particular young people. It will also cost the state little – if anything – since it uses already-existing infrastructure. Yet despite support from across the state and from Gov. Murphy, the bill remains stalled.

Twenty other states plus Washington, DC already have same-day voter registration. Recently, election officials from two of those states, Utah and Connecticut, briefed New Jersey officials on its success and impact. Currently, New Jersey maintains an arbitrary 21-day registration deadline, disenfranchising voters in every election. Voters who have moved, attend college out-of-state, have been erroneously purged from voting rolls or were recently released from being incarcerated, as well as new citizens, may easily find themselves unregistered on Election Day – sometimes unbeknownst to them – and an arbitrary deadline should not prevent them from exercising their voting rights.


WHAT: Rally and Lobby Day for Same-Day Voter Registration in New Jersey


May 26, 2022

11 a.m.: Rally in front of Trenton Statehouse

Noon: Lobby Day inside Statehouse, when advocates will urge elected officials to pass A1966/S247 to establish same-day voter registration

Coalition members include:  

American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey

Council on American-Islamic Relations of New Jersey

Delaware-New Jersey National Lawyers Guild

Disability Rights New Jersey

Episcopal Community Services of New Jersey

Fair Share Housing Center

Faith in New Jersey

Integrated Justice Alliance

Latinas United for Political Empowerment Fund, Inc.

Lawyers for Equal Access to Advocacy & Dignity

League of Women Voters of New Jersey

Latino Action Network

March for Our Lives New Jersey

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People New Jersey State Conference

National Association of Social Workers of New Jersey

New Jersey 11th for Change

New Jersey Citizen Action

New Jersey National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Youth & College

New Jersey Working Families Party

New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice

New Jersey Institute for Social Justice

NeighborCorps Re-Entry Services

New Brunswick Area National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

New Jersey Convention of Progressive Baptists

New Jersey League of Conservation Voters

New Jersey Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

People’s Organization for Progress

Salvation and Social Justice

Stand Up America

The Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey

The Prisoners Legal Advocacy Network

Unitarian Universalist FaithAction New Jersey


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